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This is my web site, and I'm damned proud of it. I like to post
things that interest me here. So you will find lots and lots of
pictures, first and foremost. Also some things about Poland and genealogy.
And cooking. And weather. And politics. And... well, you can see that a lot of
things interest me!
This web site is a work of art always in progress, never finished. It'll
never be done. My challenge is to keep it at a reasonable size so I don't
get lost! But please feel free to check back here time after time
after time. You never know what will appear here. For now, choose
from the buttons on the left, and see where you end up.
my Poland Blog, called Moja miłość do Polski (my love of
Poland) here:
http://poland.leonkonieczny.com/blog/. I've been to Poland twice in the
past two years and have posted extensively, including many thousands of
also write a food blog under the Pen Name "Lake Mary Food Critic." You can
read that blog here:
http://lakemaryfoodcritic.blogspot.com/. I know what good food is and
where to find it in Central Florida and points beyond.
Friend Tommy is a wonderful artist and has much of his work online, as well as
in private collections around the world (including my living room!). You can
visit his web site by going to http://www.TomAbbottArt.com. Check it
My family tree is now
online. Yes, thanks to some
great web
hosting company, I've managed to get my family tree online. You can view it
http://ancestry.leonkonieczny.com. You'll need to register to see anything
about living people, and if you're related, I can give you access to add and
edit information, too. I hope you'll take a moment to check it out!
What's new and exciting on my web site? Read on....
updated my Central Florida favorite restaurants.
Recently I've discovered a few new great places to eat in central Florida. I
highly recommend all of these places. I've eaten there and will do do again.
And again. And again....-
New Photo Top page
for my site. I found some great photo posting and management software
and will be using that for my photos from now on. Check it out can come back
often to see the updates. In the meantime, you can also go to my old Photo
Album from the link on the left.
- Christmas
2006. Some pictures from around my home as I decorated and got ready to
celebrate the Christmas season.
- Thanksgiving,
2006. See some of the photos of the fun, festivities, and food that we
all enjoyed on a beautiful Florida day.
- Finally!
I've posted my Tennessee-Virginia-North Carolina-Georgia vacation photos,
and you can get to them here. There
are a LOT of photos, so be patient. But well worth the wait.
I've decided to get with the program and start a blog. You can read it here.
But remember to return here when you're done to continue checking out my
cool content.
- Memorial
Day 2006 photos. We had a nice gathering to celebrate Memorial Day,
complete with me using the smoker. Here's some of the evidence.
Yes, I like to rant from time to time. Read some of my past Rants here. But
for now, I've decided to stick to blogging--at least for the moment.-
-- I like to cook, eat, and eat out. So what would be more natural for me
than a set of pages devoted to food in several ways:
- Eating Out is all about various places I've
eaten and liked (or maybe didn't). I've ranked and rated a bunch of places.
Feel free to let me know if you agree or not--or to suggest new places to
- Food On the Web is about many of my
favorite online sites that deal with food topics. From recipes to some of
the great chefs of Food Network, you'll find some good links here.
- Recipe List is just that--a bunch of some
of my favorite recipes. Check 'em out!
Leon -- I had some family visitors in the winter and spring of 2006.
Mary and Dan and family started off the New Year by attending my New Year
party, and then taking us to the Capital One bowl game to see the Wisconsin
Badgers. Then in March, Mom and Dad came down for a great visit. Finally,
Jean and Perry with KT and her friend came down and graced us at our Easter
celebration and for a bit thereafter. Only George and Donna to go now. Check
out the pictures and see why Hotel Leon is so popular!
- Christmas
2005 -- Some pictures from my Christmas of 2005. Merry Christmas to all!
Wesołych Świąt, Bożego Narodzenia i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!
- Vacation
Pictures -- We went to Savannah and Charleston in July, 2005, to be
tourists. We sure were! here's the evidence.
- Wisconsin
Vacation Photos -- Pictures from my trek to Wisconsin in 2005 to
celebrate George and Cindy's 50ths birthdays, and the founding of our
country (Fourth of July).
- Recent
Photos -- This is a "catch all" page fore things that have been
happening around me recently. I put photos here that are somewhat current or
of things I've recently done, or places I've recently been. Check it out
There are
some new pictures at the top of my Recent
Photos web page. See a bit of what I've been up to. As things happen
around here, I'll post more new photos.
I have
updated my Polish things web page with even more
links of interest to those of Polish heritage. This page will will give you the chance to explore
some of the history and culture of Poland. It also contains links to
some Polish Christmas carols in MIDI format.Check it out!
- I have (finally) put something on my "About Leon" page, so if you
want to know a little more about me, go there and check it out!
- Weather!
Live from Lake Mary, Florida, it's Leon Konieczny's weather site. I just got
a Radio Shack Accuweather WX-200 wireless weather station. Now you,
too, can see what the weather's like here in sunny Florida...outside as well
as inside!
I recently
replaced my weather station's thermometer and hygrometer, and I recently
moved my site to a new provider (costs about 1/6 what it was costing) and
have changed the style a bit, too. I
hope to update my weather pages in the near future, as well. See, I have
been [somewhat] busy.
Photo Album has a bunch of my photos including
pics of meals I've made and a lot more. Also, in the
section, there are some pictures of the Konieczny Family Reunion (August 2000) and my parent's 50th wedding
anniversary celebration (April 2001)! Some of these older photo collections
are under the archive section. Look around, take your time, and enjoy!
- Favorite Things will take you to some of my
favorite things (duh!), topics like politics and religion (great for
discussion at family gatherings), and more about me. Also includes links to
some of my favorite web sites.
- Cooking will take you to (another duh!)
recipes and other cooking type things.
- Genealogy has some links to my family tree and
other pertinent web sites.
If you want, you can e-mail
me. I promise I'll read it.
Heck, I may even respond!

I'd enjoy reading your e-mail. Don't forget...do it now.
brave souls have ventured to these pages in the past few years.
This site was last updated on 03/05/12.