On The Beach



On the Beach....  Here's the evidence.  A lot of fun was had, a lot of beer was consumed.  Many boogie board rides and spills later, we were still having fun in the 75 degree waters.  Better than Lake Michigan on a good day!

Sun, Surf, Sand, Sea weed... Oh, well, no sea weed, but plenty of the others!
Yeah, sure, like we were gonna sit much under the cabana....
How did I luck out, to be from a family of such beach babes?
Last minute instructions from father to son? "and if you see a shark, swim like hell...."
Just looking at this picture brings back the feeling of "devil may care" and relaxation.... and pass me another beer, too!
Looking for pirates?  Or surfers, more likely!
More beach babes.
What a setting, huh?
Justin, are you studying?
Probably thinking of poetic things to say or write....
Looking for that next beer...
Hmmm... looks like a couple of drowned rats!
Still no sign of them thar pirates!
Muscle beach?  Yeah.  Sure
Beach Boys music playing in the background....
Looking for gold coins...
Still beach babes.
I heard there was a party...
"Wasted away in Margaritaville..."
What can be said
Surfer babes?
"Watch me balance this on my head....."

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