Konieczny Reunion



On August 12, 2000, the descendants of Frank and Sophia Konieczny got together at the home place for a family reunion.  Over a hundred people drifted in and out during the course of the day, and others were unable to attend.  Most also were able to spell and pronounce "konieczny," a feat in itself for 99% of the English speaking world.  Here are some of the pictures I took at the event.  If you are looking for more, feel free to e-mail me and I'll be glad to tell you what all I have and share them with you.  

All of the pictures here on this page are thumbnails.  Click on the picture to open the regular size image.  Caution: some of them are large (in the 50-100K range) and so may take a minute or so to open if you have a slow connection.

My apologies to anyone I've left out.  I tried to get everyone, but given the size of the group, that was not always possible. 

The Children of Frank Konieczny and Sophia Haider and their spouses are:

  • Tom Konieczny and Virginia
  • Margaret Konieczny (d. 1981) and Fred Rohland (d. 1996)
  • Leon Konieczny (d. 1936)
  • Agnes Konieczny and Otto Rohland (d. 1990)
  • Frank Konieczny and Phyllis Ammentorp
  • Stanley Konieczny and Tootie Collar
  • George Konieczny and Joanne Szczech


Click on the thumbnail to have the full size image open up in another browser window.  If you wish, you can right-click the image and choose "save as" to have your very own copy!

1-The Home Place.jpg (24149 bytes) Distant view of the "Home Place" from the road. Frank Konieczny Sr. cleared this land and built this house.
1-The House.jpg (68142 bytes) First view of the House and yard.  Frank Konieczny built this house in the early 1930s.
1-The House2.jpg (69562 bytes) Another view of the house.
1-The yard andhouse.jpg (70725 bytes) A view of the house and yard where the Konieczny family reunion took place.
2- Four Konieczny Siblings.jpg (52998 bytes) The four siblings who attended: Agnes, Frank, George, Stanley
2-Tom Virginia and me.jpg (51891 bytes) Tom Konieczny was unable to attend, pictured here with his wife, Virginia, and nephew Leon Konieczny.
3-Old Pic 3 boys.jpg (48059 bytes) An Old Picture.... can you guess who's in here?  If you want to know, e-mail for the answer.  The picture is from about 1934.
3-old pic frank sophia tom.jpg (33706 bytes) Another old photo.  This is where it all began: Frank Konieczny and Sophia (Haider) Konieczny, with son Tom, taken about 1945.
4-Families Magaret.jpg (37380 bytes) The Margaret Konieczny and Fred Rohland family.
4-Families Agnes.jpg (44543 bytes) The Agnes Konieczny and Otto Rohland family.
4-Families Frank.jpg (54100 bytes) The Frank and Phyllis Konieczny family.
4-Families Stanley.jpg (62896 bytes) The Stanley and Tootie Konieczny family.
5-People dave and paul.jpg (28143 bytes) Dave Konieczny and Paul Konieczny, sons of Frank Konieczny.
5-People Dave Chris Cindy George.jpg (73398 bytes) Dave and Chris Konieczny, and George and Cindy Konieczny.  Though cousins, Dave and George sure look a lot like brothers!
5-People David Joey.jpg (35269 bytes) David Krueger and Joey Konieczny.
5-People George Dennis.jpg (37294 bytes) George Konieczny and nephew Dennis Rohland
5-People George Jean.jpg (77176 bytes) George Konieczny and daughter Jean Konieczny Heideman.
5-People George Joanne Perry George Cindy.jpg (49364 bytes) Jean Konieczny Heideman, Perry Heideman, Cindy Konieczny, and George Konieczny, with their mother, Joanne Konieczny, of the George Konieczny family.
5-People George K grandkids.jpg (42480 bytes) Grandkids of George Konieczny: with friend Sarina on left, Kirsten Hayes, Rachel Heideman, Caitlin Heideman, Kali Williams, and Alexis Williams.
5-People Ginny Chris Mary.jpg (41171 bytes) Cousins Ginny Frinack, Chris (Paul) Konieczny, Mary Williams.
5-People Jake Joe Justin.jpg (33873 bytes) Grandkids of George and Joanne Konieczny, cousins Jake Konieczny, Joey Konieczny, and Justin Heideman.
5-People Joanne Phyllis.jpg (44400 bytes) Joanne (George) Konieczny and Phyllis (Frank) Konieczny.
5-People Perry Cindy Jean.jpg (47463 bytes) Children of George and Joanne Konieczny, Perry Heideman, Cindy Hayes, and Jean Konieczny Heideman.
5-People Ronnie Steve.jpg (47847 bytes) Cousins Steve Rohland (Agnes) and Ronnie (Stanley).
5-People Tom Donna Chris.jpg (74264 bytes) Tom and Donna (Konieczny) Hayes and Chris (Dave) Konieczny
6-The party Tug of war1.jpg (58674 bytes) Games were held too, including a tug of war!
6-the party tug of war2.jpg (57157 bytes) More tug of war....this side is working hard, and eventually won!
6-The Party with banner.jpg (74098 bytes) Fill in the blanks and and name the people here.  Notice the reunion banner in the background.
6-The Party01.jpg (50083 bytes) Over 100 people attended, and here are a few of them
6-The Party02.jpg (54857 bytes) The setting for the reunion was great: lots of room to have fun.
6-The Party03.jpg (48087 bytes) Koniecznys like to talk and visit, and this group is no exception
6-The Party-Hayride.jpg (59159 bytes) The party wouldn't be complete without a hayride!


I have lots more pictures, over 200 in all just from the family reunion.  If there's a picture you're looking for, e-mail me.  Or if you have one you think I should include, send it to me and I can scan and post it.

Pictures posted 08-20-2000.


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