Xmas 2003



OK.  Here's where I'm gonna put some pictures of Christmas 2003, as the holiday approaches and I prepare for it.  Check back here often, I'll post new pictures as the holiday comes.

My Christmas village, set up in the curio cabinet. 
Another view, with some of the detail
Another view.  You can't really tell from this, but some of the lighted pieces are lighted with fiber optic that change color and kinda "pulse."
Detail of one of the buildings.
Fruitcake Day, Saturday, November 15, 2003.  My friend Creighton and I spent the day making fruitcakes.  Lots of elbow work involved.
This is the bowl of batter.  And yes, it's bigger than it looks.
Four of the little buggers. We made a total of seven.
Here is one in all its glory.
This is the bar.  The fruitcake is about to take a cherry brandy dip!
All packed up and ready to get mellow!
Even the flower garden area in the back was given a bit of a holiday flavor with some poinsettias.  They better last until Christmas, or they'll be replaced by some long lasting plastic ones!
Not technically a Christmas decoration--unless you live in Florida-- but here's my latest light marvel, a 7 foot palm tree.  Not sure where it'll end up.  Maybe outside for the holidays, in the back yard winter wonderland??  And, for the record, I do live in Florida, so I guess it is a Christmas decoration! I've moved the palm out to the screen porch... a fitting place for it!
OK, here's a second view of the outside of the house.  I'm not sure I'm done yet, but this is it as of 12-06-03.  Time will tell if I do more......on 12-06, I added some lights to the other tree in front.  I'm still thinking....
OK, I spent some time potting and repotting and fixing up the area around the front door.  I never liked the plant that used to be in the big pot, but never could decide what to replace it with.  Well, now there's a poinsettia there, so I guess I'll have to find something new in January! 
Gingerbread!  Yes, here are a few of the gingerbread people my friend Creighton and I baked and decorated.  Getting ready for Christmas.....  And they are mmm.mmm.mmmmm  yummy!
Cookies, cookies, and more cookies.  Oh, and some fudge, rum balls, and chocolate covered pretzels, too. No reason for anyone to go away hungry!
The stocking were hung by the chimney with care.... and now someone has rearranged "NOEL".... and this time, it wasn't me!
Christmas Dinner.  The table is set, the food is ready.... let's eat!
Donna, Tom, and Kirsten at Christmas Dinner.
Sean, Mike, and Laura at Christmas Dinner.
The back porch, as seen from outside at night.

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